Read more about how funds were spent and how the response to this crisis was evaluated
A child is checked for malnutrition. Image: Colin Crowley/Save the Children
raised including £10 million in Aid Match from the UK Government
people gained access to safe drinking water
people received food assistance
children treated for acute malnutrition
Doida stands in a field of maize in South Omo, Ethiopia - one of the areas worst affected by the 2017 drought - grown from seeds provided by Plan International. Image: Barney Guiton/DEC
Elema (pictured) was part of a food security project funded by the DEC's East Africa Crisis Appeal 2017. Photo: Barney Guiton/DEC
When Elema’s livestock died and her crops were bad, she and her family faced hunger and malnutrition. She received food assistance through DEC member Age International and was put on a malnutrition programme. Elema said: "The support helped us a lot. We have nothing to rely on. I was measured and found to be malnourished, so I received the food and now I am gaining weight.”
DEC funds helped more than 331,000 people like Elema feed themselves and their families.
Read more about how funds were spent and how the response to this crisis was evaluated