Temubura, 50, fetches water with his family from a borehole in Metuchira, Buzi. The borehole was repaired by World Vision using DEC funds after being damaged during Cyclone Idai.

2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal
Six-Month Report

2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal
Six-Month Report

Temubura, 50, and family fetch water from a repaired borehole in Buzi, Mozambique that was damaged during Cyclone Idai. Image: Peter Caton/DEC

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Key achievements at six months

agriculture icon


people received seeds, tools, fertiliser etc to regrow crops

sanitation icon


people benefited from hygiene kits

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people received food parcels

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families received household items

In the middle of March 2019, Cyclone Idai swept through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Strong winds and widespread flooding ripped apart roads, bridges, houses, schools and health facilities and submerged vast swathes of agricultural land. Another major cyclone, Kenneth, followed Idai a few weeks later, the first time in recorded history that two strong tropical cyclones had made landfall in Mozambique in the same season.

On 21 March, less than a week after Cyclone Idai made landfall, the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launched an emergency appeal asking the UK public for support. A total of £43 million was raised, including £4 million from the UK Government’s Aid Match scheme.

During the first six months (March to the end of September 2019), DEC funds enabled member charities to provide assistance to more than 352,800 people. This report provides an overview of how funds donated directly to the DEC were spent between March and the end of September 2019.

Download the report here (PDF)