British Doctors Save Lives in the Philippines

Surgical team in Tacloban

A team of British doctors, supported by DEC members Merlin and Save the Children, have been providing much needed treatment to the sick and wounded in some of the most devastated areas of the Philippines. 

The surgical team - pictured above - arrived in Tacloban on Monday morning and have been working solidly in a field hospital which requested specialist medical support, including orthopaedic and trauma surgeons and anaesthetists. 
“We are seeing some heart-breaking cases of children who are in need of serious medical help. There are many cases, including amputations and serious infections from open wounds,” says Save the Children’s Cat Carter, who has been at the field hospital in Tacloban. 

4 year old boy called William, after surgery on his leg

“One of the children they operated on was a 4 year old boy called William who sustained terrible injuries to his leg during the typhoon. He received an emergency treatment at the time, but had to have a further amputation due to a serious infection.”
Other children who’ve been treated by the team include four-year-old Alisa (pictured below with her Mum), who required an operation to fix her skull after a piece of wood became lodged. She is currently making a recovery.

Alisa, who required an operation to remove a piece of wood lodged in her skull

A second medical team, including three emergency physicians, is currently on board the British naval vessel HMS Daring. The team is ready to respond to medical priorities as the ship makes stops at remote areas, which were cut off by the Typhoon.