How your support helped East Africa
Concrete examples of how our member agencies used the money you donated to provide help in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.
One year after its launch the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal has funded help to 2.3m people in the region. The £79m given by the UK public made this one of the most generously supported appeals in the DEC’s history.
In addition to updates from a recent DEC trip to Ethiopia to see work done with your money by member agencies Age International,Merlin and Tearfund we wanted to provide some further concrete examples of how your support helped those affected by the crisis across the region. More details of how your money has been spent are published in our 2011-12 Annual Report which also provides updates on the work funded by the Pakistan Floods Appeal and the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.
> ActionAid ran a school feeding project for vulnerable children which provided meals to 22,989 children and an incentive to struggling pastoralist families to keep their children in school.
> CAFOD have ensured clean drinking water for over 19,000 people by drilling a borehole, rehabilitating two dams, providing water treatment tablets, distributing water containers and running hygiene training sessions.
> CARE helped provided clean water to 54,480 people by distributing 850,000 water treatment sachets and rehabilitating five boreholes and four water pans.
> Christian Aid provided 92,000 people in vulnerable pastoralist communities in northern Kenya with safe drinking water through water trucking, borehole maintenance and by providing water storage tanks.
> Islamic Relief provided food aid to 38,580 potentially vulnerable people in drought-affected areas of north east Kenya including rice, sugar, vegetable oil, flour and beans.
> Tearfund provided jerry cans and water purification tablets to help 8,000 people in north west Kenya get clean drinking water and in the same district they rehabilitated two wells and drilled a new one providing water for 8,500 people.
> Age International provided a monthly payment of maize, beans and some cash to 996 vulnerable older people in southern Ethiopia and the same package to the families of 923 older people in exchange for work on community water storage ponds.
> Oxfam used tanker trucks to provide clean water to 23,795 people in the Somali Region of Ethiopia and also improved 18 hand-dug wells, repaired motorised pumps on 13 wells and constructed 20 new hand-dug wells.
> Plan worked with the government health authorities in north west Ethiopia to ensure treatment for severely malnourished children under five, and supported with special foods 4,281 children under five and 2,772 pregnant or breast-feeding mothers who were moderately malnourished.
> World Vision has provided safe drinking water to 31,741 people in southern Ethiopia by rehabilitating 32 shallow wells, and building water tanks for 3 health clinics and 13 schools.
> The British Red Cross provided food to over 160,000 people affected by drought and conflict, including distributions of rice, vegetable oil, beans, and a special fortified corn and soya bean flour.
> Concern provided a monthly food voucher to help feed 33,120 people in south central Somalia from August- November 2011.
> Merlin screened 15,734 children under five for malnutrition and provided a fortified peanut paste for 774 children who were found to be at risk of death because of severe malnutrition.
> Save the Children provided safe drinking water and drainage to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases for 31,500 displaced people living in camps in Mogadishu.