Real-Time Response Review
of the DEC Appeal for
People Fleeing Myanmar

Real-Time Response Review
of the DEC Appeal for
People Fleeing Myanmar

To support its member agencies in improving their response and as part of its public accountability for the use of the funds raised as part of its Emergency Appeal for People Fleeing Myanmar, the DEC commissioned an independent Real-Time Response Review. This Review has taken stock of the achievements of the DEC members and their partners, and highlights learning points and recommendations for their ongoing activities in Cox’s Bazar.

The review concludes that, in general, the response from humanitarian agencies, including DEC member agencies and partners, has been swift and has focused on immediate life-saving assistance and services, and in several ways, the work undertaken by DEC member agencies has set an example for other organisations. However, there are several opportunities for improvements in the quality and coverage of the humanitarian response, as well as ensuring a response that is more accountable to the populations who have been affected. The urgency of such improvements is compounded by the arrival of the upcoming monsoon/cyclone season.

DEC member charities have given due consideration to the review findings and are reflecting their learning points and recommendations in their continuing response in Cox’s Bazar.


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