DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal helps 1.3 million people

Mogadishu: 8 January 2012

Funds from the £75 million* DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal have been used by our member agencies to help 1.3 million people since our appeals were first broadcast six months ago.
The DEC-funded aid so far has included helping provide drinking water for nearly 600,000 people, healthcare including treatment for severe malnutrition for  360,000 people and food for over 250,000 people.  However, millions still need immediate aid and support to rebuild their lives. 
The crisis escalated through 2010 as a result of a regional drought that was in some areas the worst seen for 60 years.  Many of those affected were already acutely vulnerable because of poverty, marginalisation and conflict.  More than 13 million people were affected in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.
DEC Chairman Clive Jones, who is currently in the Somalia with DEC member Agency Islamic Relief, said:
“The UK public’s extraordinary generosity has provided the funds that have allowed the DEC’s members and their partners to reach 1.3 million people across East Africa with aid.
“The situation remains grave however particularly in those areas of Somalia where insecurity and limits on access for most aid agencies make reaching those affected by the crisis extremely challenging.  Our member agencies are also concerned about their ability to operate safely and effectively in many areas of north eastern Kenya.
 “Over the next 18 months the DEC member agencies will increasingly seek to focus on work that will help some of the worst affected people begin to rebuild their lives.  That work will include improving safe water supplies, replacing livestock, and providing tools and seeds.”
In most areas of Kenya and Ethiopia increasing amounts of aid are getting through, harvests are being reaped in many areas and rains are making more pasture available for surviving livestock.
In the first six months of the DEC-funded response members planned that 35% of money spent would provide aid for people affected in Somalia, 34% in Kenya and 30% in Ethiopia and 1% in South Sudan. Full details of income and expenditure from the appeal will be published in July 2012 as part of the DEC’s annual report process.
The first of a series of evaluations by independent experts into the effectiveness of the work of our member is already underway and the findings will be published in the coming months.
The DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal will remain open until 31 January 2012 and donations can be made via our website at All funds will be spent by July 2013.
To stay up to date with the emergency response in East Africa ‘Like’ us on Facebook via or follow the DEC on Twitter at
The DEC generally seeks to avoid making comparisons between disasters and disaster appeals but there is a tablehere giving the top ten appeal totals raised by the DEC.
Notes to editors:
*The DEC collected £37.5m directly, the other £37.5m being collected as part of the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal through our member agencies which will account for these funds individually.  

  • The DEC Appeal was announced on 6 July 2011 but launched 8 July with the broadcast of appeals on the BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel 4.
  • Donations can be made online at or by phoning 0370 60 60 900.  To donate £5 by text send the word CRISIS to 70000.  The full £5 will go to the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal. Donors must be 16 years or over and have bill payers permission. Texts are free and donations will be added to the bill.
  • The DEC Member Agencies are: Action Aid, Age UK, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Plan UK, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.