Thank you
for supporting
the people
of Ukraine
Thank you
for supporting
the people
of Ukraine

The Playing for Peace Orchestra performing Peter and the Wolf for Ukraine in London on 16 June 2022. Photo: Matthew Johnson

Ash Johnston and Lucy Smith (both 14) from Dundee raised £1,117 for the appeal by using part of their school holidays to trek the Fife Coastal Path from Buckhaven to Leuchars. They were inspired by a news report that showed families had walked 43 miles on a 20-hour journey to Poland to flee the conflict. Photo: High School of Dundee

Presenters Marvin Humes, Emma Bunton and Roman Kemp host Concert for Ukraine at Resorts World Arena, Birmingham, on March 29, 2022. Photo: Joe Maher/DEC/Getty Images for Livewire Pictures Ltd.